Greenwash Day not Green Britain Day

Friends, Britons, countrymen... lend me your ears.

Today, Friday 10th July 2009, is supposedly Green Britain Day. The concept has been thought up by French nuclear energy giants EDF.

However, as has been said , this whole concept is a complete sham because:

  1. EDF are French not British.
  2. EDF are not green because they are the world's biggest corporate producer of nuclear waste.
  3. The green union flag has been stolen from British wind-power generators Ecotricity.

So really it's not Green Britain Day but rather Greenwash Day. Do not be fooled by the company that:

  1. Has Prime Minister Gordon Brown's brother, Andrew Brown, as their Media Director (funny that, aye?)
  2. Has spent a reported £50 million in advertising revenue on the campaign.
  3. Brought Britain's nuclear energy generator, British Energy, for some £25 billion.

Dale Vince, CEO of Ecotricity, is right in saying that this could be the biggest greenwash in corporate history, so shame on EDF for these bully-boy tactics.