It's Earth Day 2009
Submitted by allgreen on Wed, 04/22/2009 - 07:14Well we've had Earth Hour and now this one's 24 times better - it's Earth Day.
Well we've had Earth Hour and now this one's 24 times better - it's Earth Day.
Every so often you find a piece of clothing that you really like. And I mean REALLY like. You like it so much that it becomes your favourite piece of kit and you want to wear it every day. That's how we feel about the organic t-shirt range from Red Robot.
...Saturday 28th March 2009 at 8:30pm.
Yes folks it's nearly time for Earth Hour again. Earth Hour takes place on Saturday night at 8:30pm local time so whether you're in Sydney, London, New York or Los Angeles at 8:30pm your time it's time to switch the lights out.
National Grid is taking an energy and climate change leadership role in the UK and calling for a national Masterplan to be developed to determine the route-map for a low-carbon economy.
The company is seeking greater Government, industry and consumer collaboration in order to meet the Government targets of 80% emissions reduction by 2050, and 15% renewable energy sources by 2020.
National Grid Chief Executive, Steve Holliday, said;
We purchased our first box of ecoballs the other day and have been accumulating various loads of laundry to test.
Firstly I did a random "typical bloke" laundry wash to include an assortment of odds-and-ends that no discerning domestic deity would dream of.
The first time I saw the Eden Project was probably in or just after the first year after it opened, 2001. Once a quarry, or more accurately, a china clay pit, this big hole in the ground has been radically transformed into the incredible place that is the Eden Project with its trademark biodomes.
Back then it was just being populated; the domes were there with their own environments but the "pit" was a sparsely-planted. Now it has grown to maturity and what a splendid place the Eden Project is.
I said Ecoballs™.
We first heard the term from our friends Howies a few years back. Of their organic cotton jeans they always say
ecoball™ washed for softness
So when @dombat said on Twitter the other day;
Ecoballs £5.35 in Aldi currently
Well it's certainly been a week for DIY retailer B&Q. On Friday 13th February they will be selling a million loft insulation rolls at £1 apiece (whilst socks last) and on Wednesday they opened their greenest ever store at New Malden in Surrey.
If you want to beat the credit crunch and insulate your home for less then you might like to know that DIY giant B&Q is selling a million rolls of loft insulation for just £1 a roll. The offer, available from Friday 13th February at B&Q stores throughout the country, means that with the average loft requiring 22 rolls of loft insulation to be fully insulated, it is estimated that those who take up the offer could reduce their heating bills by as much as £205 a year.
Because of the recession (yes we're allowed to say that now) firms are apparently using less water according to the BBC news business story Recession hits Severn Trent sales.
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