
Bush's Last Parting Shot at the Environment?

Oh dear. It looks like George W Bush wants to rush through environmentally damaging changes to the Endangered Species Act. Clearly the man has no shame, no brain and absolutely no concern for the natural world in any shape or form.

This looks like it could be his last parting shot, a f**k you, if you will, to the people that have watched his tenure with continued astonishment.

If you're in the oil, mining or logging industries, it looks like your old buddy Dubbya has handed you the keys to the wilderness on a silver platter.

Eco Home Resource

For people who want the green lifestyle to be integrated into their home there's a number of things they can do. Installing energy-efficient light-bulbs is a good cheap start, as is turning down the thermostat and recycling your trash. But have you thought about using green insulation like when we used hemp/cotton insulation in the wall cavities in our bathroom, or natural flooring that uses only wool or grass?

E.ON's True Colours

We don't like the energy company E.ON

Previously they've attempted greenwash to promote their image by getting football fans to car share in their carbon footyprint campaign.

Then somebody kindly pointed out that E.ON's new Kingsnorth power station is to be coal-fired, belching out as much CO2 in one year as E.ON are asking football fans to save over a period of 200 years!

And you thought a 35% Gas Price Hike was bad...

Remember we said last night that British Gas jacked their prices up by 35%?

Remember their MD saying British Gas was doing "all that they could" to help people out including sending them a couple of energy-efficient lightbulbs?

Well today Centrica, the owners of British Gas, have reportedly made profits of £5million a day.

British Gas claimed that the 35% price rise was to "restore reasonable profitability".

Beat Gas Price Rises with a Lightbulb

Are we mad? No. But Phil Bentley, the MD of British Gas is!

Today British Gas announced a staggering 35% rise in gas prices. It also announced a 9% increase in electricity prices too.

The ITV Evening News interviewed a number of people, who are already struggling to make ends meet, about how they might cope with the huge price rises and then asked Phil Bentley, the MD of British Gas, whether he thought it was right to raise gas prices by 35% when this could put thousands of homes at risk of being subject to "fuel poverty".

Goodbye from the world's biggest polluter

I missed this story a few days ago but somebody on a TV political show mentioned it today:

As he left the G8 summit George W Bush said "Goodbye from the world's biggest polluter", raised a fist in the air and smiled that smug non-compliant grin like only George W Bush can.

Goodbye and good riddance.

The G8 go green

The G8, the group of 8 industrialised nations (Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia and the United States) have made a decision to go green.

Actually it's a decision to wholeheartedly go green by... cutting emissions by 50% and not the 100% you might expect.

And despite the rapid rate of deterioration in so many (eco, social, political) systems in the world, the G8 have given themselves a nice and easy 42 years in which to achieve this.

Apes Protest Against Palm Oil

Protesters from Greenpeace, some dressed in ape suits, have demonstrated at the premises of Unilever in both London and the North West of England.

Unilever, the global Anglo-Dutch company with interests in food, drink, cleaning products and personal care items, is a major user of palm oil in many of its products. Formed back in 1930 as a merger between the British soap makers, Lever Brothers, and Dutch firm Margarine Unie, the company amalgamated to pool its resources as both products (soap & margarine) relied heavily in the use of palm oil.
