
Oh no, they sold Toms of Maine

How did this one slip by the radar?
Colgate Palmolive, once knocked by Tom's for putting artificial ingredients & sweeteners like saccharin in their toothpaste, paid $100 million cash for an 84% stake in the Kennebunk, Maine based business. However, Tom Chappell, the man himself, said that neither Tom's of Maine's business philosophy nor its product lines would change despite the majority share of Colgate.

With annual sales of around $50 million, Tom's will remain a stand-alone subsidiary of Colgate, though the familiar packaging will make no reference to its new owner.

Top UK Scientist in Climate Warning

The UK government's chief scientist, Professor Sir David King, warned today that the earth is likely to experience a temperature increase of 3°C because we are all failing to agree on cutting greenhouse gas emissions.

Professor King warned that even if international governments agreed and acted to restrict CO2 emissions climate change is inevitable.

Body Shop Sold Out

Anita Roddick's world-famous ethical The Body Shop chain is in the hands of the French cosmetics giant L'Oréal after a deal was agreed worth £652m.

L'Oréal, the world's biggest cosmetics company, who are part-owned (25%) by Nestlé, the world's biggest food company, agreed to pay 300p a share for stock worth 268p a share.

After 30 years of selling ethically-sourced cosmetics with 2000 stores in 53 countries, Dame Roddick and her husband, who still hold an 18% share in The Body Shop, are expected to make around £140m out of the sell-out.

Nuclear Not the Answer

Reporting to the UK Government, the Sustainable Development Commission has concluded that nuclear power is not the answer to Britain's future energy needs.

The SDC, the Government's independent watchdog on sustainable development, based it's findings on eight research papers and the report has delivered the SDC's result on the pros & cons of nuclear power, examining the options in a balanced and impartial manner.


BBC Climate Change Experiment

Run your experiment as a screensaver and see the results on a spinning globe

The BBC are conducting the world's largest climate change experiment and anybody with a home PC can help out.

The scientists involved in the project do have supercomputers at their dispoal but even these mighty machines can only do so much. That's where the combined power of say, 10,000 home PCs could help and number-crunch more data than the world's biggest computer.

