Well that's the Cavity Wall Insulation Done

Of all the things we've tried to do to keep our house warm and our energy costs down, one thing we'd not had done was the cavity wall insulation. Our path to getting this done started with an inspection where a couple of guys turned up and drilled a hole in the wall - Yep, we've got cavity walls in our 1964 house. We were told that there was no charge, no catches and if we wanted our loft insulated they could do that too - all under a government-funded grant scheme. So, I signed up and asked if they did sheep's wool loft insulation; the surveyor said no, they only did regular fibreglass loft insulation. So I politely declined and waited for the installation date. Sheep's wool loft insulation is more expensive than fibreglass but the advantages of sheep's wool is that it isn't itchy like fibreglass (which is a bit of a hazard to health in my opinion), sheep's wool is natural, sustainable & breathable and has good insulation properties. But back to the cavity wall insulation... Today was installation day and the crew turned up 45 minutes early, which makes a change. I had to apologise to my neighbour, who didn't expect there to be drilling going on until 9am, but he was totally cool about it. A couple of hours later and the job was finished. We had free cavity wall insulation, all paid for by a Government grant to ensure that we stay insulated this winter and reduce our carbon footprint. Apparently 35% of a home's heat is wasted through the walls so that should certainly help toward keeping the heating costs down. Although this may just be a timely way to stabilise the costs when British Gas started the ball rolling on an energy price rise by cranking up the price of gas by 9%We're with another provider but I'm sure they'll follow suit and push their prices up beyond the rate of inflation too. So if you want to keep your energy costs down then get your cavity wall insulation done. Thanks ever so much to local firm InstaGroup for their Instabfibre cavity wall insulation service. Give them a call to arrange a survey on 0845 602 4696 or email [email protected]