
Big Oil Against a Better Environment

As if you didn't already know it, big oil are against safeguarding the environment.

Is that alarmist? Propagandist? Or is it just another big lie because all of us environmentalists "hate cars" and are suckered by "peak oil" which is all a big scam to give governments more control over our lives?

Actually, big oil railing against the environment is totally true, and here's the proof:

Obama Defends Roadless Rule

In 2001 the Clinton administration issued the "roadless rule" that protects 40 million acres of American forests from new road builds and logging timber.

According to the LA Times this rule has been contested and now the Obama administration has waded into the fray, backing the roadless rule and giving hope to environmentalists who wish to protect the forests.

Evil Deodorant

I gave up the "big brand" names in deodorant a few years ago for a number of reasons.

  1. I found I'd developed an allergic reaction to "normal" deodorant.
  2. I wanted to be more natural and less chemical.
  3. I didn't like the "big push" of massive advertising campaigns.

It really started with the allergic reactions - I couldn't carry on, and let's get down to business here, with spraying my armpits with chemicals and ingredients that made my skin sore.

Greenwash Day not Green Britain Day

Friends, Britons, countrymen... lend me your ears.

Today, Friday 10th July 2009, is supposedly Green Britain Day. The concept has been thought up by French nuclear energy giants EDF.

However, as has been said , this whole concept is a complete sham because:
